I enjoyed watching the game at the Sartor Family House. Following such a glorious win, we were so elated, that we redecorated the Halloween Decorations in the Peters Family yard. The kids (and myself) enjoyed chalking up their driveway with the Eyes of Texas and such. Luckily, I was out of orange spray paint. I was intent on leaving a UT tatoo on the yard (the margarita may have played a role).
On Sunday, Jeff and the boys returned home and we had a great afternoon. Quinton and I hung outside planting panseys (and he chose to "pick" some of the newly planted flowers). We then went to our British friends for afternoon tea. We had a great time and Quinton loved playing outside with all the other neighborhood kids. Here is a link to some more pics (you might have seen the ones at the top already): http://www2.snapfish.com/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=247288872/a=78723632_78723632/t_=78723632
As far as the first part of this week, I spoke at the Ob/Gyn Society meeting on Monday night. Pretty much old folk, many of which are not in practice anymore. Work is fine, but I am constantly in meetings these days if I am not in clinic. Today (Wednesday) I was in one meeting or another for 7 out of 9 hours. Not enough time to get stuff done that we actually discuss in these meetings. A bit frustrating. Tomorrow, Quinton and Colby do not have "school". Jeff is going with some neighbors to Orr Family Farm (sp?). I am not sure what all this involves, but he was told he would have a good time. I look forward to the pictures.
In case you haven't been shopping yet (I'm just kidding), Jeff's birthday is Friday, October 17th and mine is Sunday, October 19th. We will both be 36 years old (I think). Right now we plan to go our for a fancy-smancy meal on Saturday night. In case you are close to Patty Spiller, her birthday is Friday also (I am sure she will only be 39 years old, maybe 40 at most :-) and then my good Colorado buddy, Melissa will be turning a year older on my same special day, October 19th. Happy birthday to all of us!
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